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Humax TV Tonight: Outrageous Homes

Outrageous Homes starts tonight at 11pm on Channel 4.

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No one knows bold and outrageous style quite like Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and in this new series, the king of interior design celebrates our great British visionaries, our cherished eccentrics and our proud-to-be-different homeowners. Laurence meets people across the country who value originality and decorate their homes without fear.

He visits properties across the UK with wild, wonderful and outrageous domestic decor to discover why these homeowners dare to be different with their designs and how they did it, as well as meeting some of the designers and decorators who helped to bring their bold and creative visions to life. In the world of outrageous home, there is no such this such thing as bad design. In this episode, Laurence meets Dawn, whose incredible home was once owned by multi-millionaire publisher, Felix Dennis. Felix built his impressive barn with one sole purpose: to party!

With swashbuckling pirates and real palm trees, it’s an homage to beloved children’s classic Treasure Island, with the entire house set around an indoor gigantic swimming pool. But how has Dawn managed to turn it into a cosy home? Meanwhile, Billy has converted his cottage garden into a Wild West ranch with its very own saloon moonshine. Caroline has magnificently mosaiced her entire house. And, in Manchester, Laurence is transported back to the 1970s, as Estelle treats him to the decade’s furnishing delights and a Fanny Cradock banana candle. Plus, there’s an upcycled, recycled patchwork creation in Surrey and a dive into an underwater Atlantis in a 1920s Nottingham semi.

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