TV Tonight: Sort Your Life Out

Sort Your Life Out with Stacey Solomon is on BBC One tonight at 9pm.

Stacey and her gang - organiser Dilly, carpenter Rob and cleaner Iwan - challenge the Wellen family to sort their life out in seven days. They have to embark on a mammoth declutter, with the family asked to let go of half of their possessions so that the team can beautifully reorganise their home.

With Stacey’s help, the family start packing all their possessions into boxes. Every single item is stripped from the family home, revealing just how much space there is under all their belongings. We get to know the family behind the clutter - Shirley and Martin, who have been married for 44 years and have lived in the house in which Martin grew up for most of that time. It's a house full of memories and sentimental items, and also the home where they brought up their adopted daughters, Sarah and Katherine. With the girls grown up and moved out, it’s time for the family to sort through the clutter that has taken over their house, as Shirley and Martin want to clear space to create a home for a foster child.

When the house is all packed up, the family’s possessions are laid out in a giant warehouse like an art installation of their entire lives, including 306 soft toys, 124 towels, 106 spanners and 189 out of date food items. With everything displayed in front of them, the family are shocked to see how much they really own and how it all fitted into their house in the first place.

There will be emotional moments as the family go through their most treasured items. Shirley struggles to let go of her adopted daughters’ childhood items for fear of losing precious memories following her tough road to parenthood. Martin faces similar challenges and struggles to part with items he feels might come in handy.

At the house, Rob breathes new life into the home with some ingenious carpentry for the family sleepover room and upcycles an old wardrobe to give almost double the storage space. Iwan gives the home a supersize spring clean, with lots of useful tips along the way, while Dilly reorganises Martin and Shirley’s new bedroom which had barely changed over the last 40 years.

When the family are left with only the must-keep items, they are packed back up to the house before it’s stylishly restored by Stacey and her team, ready for the big reveal to the family. Have they really managed to transform this family home by decluttering, organising and upcycling alone?


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