Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly: New Episode

Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly is back with a new episode at 8pm, Tuesday 27 February on Channel 5 and My5.

Dre is a Boxer on a one dog wrecking mission. Whenever he’s left home alone, his owners Jody and Andy don’t know what they’ll be coming back to. It could be a torn-up sofa, a destroyed duvet or scratches up the wall – but one thing they were never expecting is that he’d turn the gas on.

The trouble is they can’t take him anywhere with them either. If he comes to Andy’s garage, he terrorises customers, and if Jody takes him anywhere he won’t let her get a word in edgeways – particularly at her recently-widowed mum’s house. Can Graeme Hall give the couple back peace of mind at home and give Jody some peace and quiet with her mum?

German Shepherd Storm is making it impossible for her family to settle into their new home. Melissa got Storm as a companion for her son Josh who has autism and social anxiety to help him relax and make new friends. But her plans have spectacularly backfired. Every time they leave the house a turbulent Storm is released barking at everything and nothing. Melissa believes her German Shepherd is terrified of the outside world – but Graeme has other ideas.

For his final case, Graeme heads to Scotland to face a Mexican stand-off between two Chihuahuas. Everything was fine until recently married couple Alan and Lynn went on a romantic break together without their dogs… and they went to war. No one knows exactly why the two little Chiquitas have a beef but it’s driving a wedge between the couple who now can’t spend any quality time together. Can Graeme get the testy pair to bury the hatchet?


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