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TV Tonight: Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts

Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts starts tonight at 8pm on BBC Two and iPlayer.

Andi Oliver heads to Cornwall to help local chef Ben Quinn put on an epic feast to thank NHS staff at The Royal Cornwall Hospital.

Andi Oliver heads to Cornwall to help local chef Ben Quinn put on an epic feast to thank NHS staff at The Royal Cornwall Hospital. Her idea of holding a feast for 80 people on one long table, on a beach, is a logistical nightmare, but promises to be spectacular. Andi sets about devising a unique menu that tells the story of modern and traditional Cornwall, using the best local produce. But will the weather hold, will she find the perfect live music to set the scene, and can she create a truly unforgettable thankyou feast?

Each episode will see Andi’s creative sparks fly, devising unique themed dishes to serve up on the big day. For inspiration, she’ll meet local chefs and suppliers, getting to grips with the regional produce and recipes that make the area special.

But it’s not just food on Andi’s agenda. As a singer in the 80s punk band Rip Rig and Panic, Andi’s life has always been filled with music and art, so she’ll also be digging into local culture, discovering the brilliant performers and artists who’ll bring each event to life.

As her mission unfolds, Andi will unearth the personal stories and the rich social history that makes Britain’s towns, cities, and communities unique, feeding all she learns into her recipes and party plans.

It’s a huge mission and Andi will need to draw on her seemingly inexhaustible well of determination and enthusiasm to get the job done, devising creative solutions on-the-fly and persuading as many locals as she can to throng to each event.

But will she be able to make every party an unforgettable success?

Speaking about the series, Andi says: “My highlight from this series, is that I think it’s really an honor to travel the country and meet people who are doing such extraordinary work. I just feel that every town I have been to and every community that I have engaged with, I have just met people who are showing the best of themselves and show us how we can live if we do really work hard and do it right”.