David Lloyd Diaries: An unbelievably good sports massage

For as long as I remember, I have experienced aches and pains in my neck and back.  It's something you come to get used to, although never comfortable with.

In a world when so many of us are working from home, at the dining table, our posture isn't what it should be and it's no surprise that we carry these feelings of discomfort with us every day.

Recently, I had the pleasure of experiencing a rejuvenating sports massage at the David Lloyd Meridian Fitness Centre, Leicester Meridian, focusing on my back, and I must say, it was an absolute game-changer. Let me take you through the soothing journey that left me feeling revitalized and ready to take on the world.

Expertise and Professionalism:

I've never had a proper sports massage and didn't know what to expect.   I went in, anticipating it was going to be something akin to physiotherapy that I'd had in the past, that from memory was just painful and uncomfortable.  However, Sam, my skilled massage therapist, exuded a sense of professionalism and expertise that instantly put me at ease. His extensive knowledge of sports massage and its benefits was evident, and I could sense his genuine dedication to helping clients like me achieve optimal relaxation and relief.

Tailored Treatment:

What truly stood out was the personalized approach Sam took to address my specific needs. As someone who frequently experiences tension in my back due to long hours at work and exercise routines, Sam paid careful attention to my concerns and designed a massage tailored to target those troublesome areas. His intuition and keen understanding of the body's mechanics ensured that his response was purposeful and effective, always ensuring i was comfortable, even if it did at times feel a little painful as he worked out the many knots!

Soothing Ambiance:

The ambiance of the massage room was great. An immaculate space, a comfortable treatment bed and just the right temperature, together with Sam's friendly demeanor and warm disposition meant i felt comfortable and relaxed throughout.

Muscle Relief and Renewal:

As Sam worked his magic on my back, I could feel the tension easing away with every skillful maneuver. His ability to apply the perfect amount of pressure, combined with his knowledge of various massage techniques, resulted in a great experience The deep tissue work he performed on my knots and tight muscles provided a profound sense of relief that I hadn't felt in quite some time. I came away feeling like a different person and still feel better now.   It's not over, I'd definitely need to go back again given the level of strain, swollen muscles and knots that I had, but at least I know now it's going to be a positive experience and one that will leave me feeling great.

Post-Massage Bliss:

After the session, I genuinely left the massage room feeling like a brand-new person. My back felt lighter, my posture improved, and a newfound sense of vitality coursed through my veins. The effects of the massage extended far beyond the session itself, as I noticed increased flexibility and a heightened sense of well-being in the days that followed.  I can't recommend a session enough.


My sports massage experience with Sam at David Lloyd Meridian Fitness Centre was honestly exceptional. From the personalised approach and expert techniques to the soothing ambiance and lasting benefits, every aspect of the session was meticulously crafted to provide an unparalleled sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. If you're seeking a massage that goes beyond the ordinary, one that targets your specific needs and leaves you feeling revitalized, I wholeheartedly recommend booking a session with Sam. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it!

Every new member at David Lloyd gets 3 free PT sessions, which can include a Sports massage with Sam or his colleague, so don't miss out, visit https://www.davidlloyd.co.uk/clubs/leicester-meridian/ now.