The Traitors Interviews: Harry and Mollie discuss making the final 5

Who will win The Traitors 2024?

It’s the final episode of The Traitors, the ultimate psychological game of trust! They’ve survived every banishment and murder in Claudia’s castle of treachery, but it all comes down to this. Will the Faithful weed out all the Traitors and split the prize pot between them, or will any Traitors remain undetected, and take the life-changing sum of money all for themselves?

Andrew, Evie, Harry, Jaz and Mollie are the final 5 . In these brand new interviews, Harry and Mollie tell us about making it to the final…


How do you feel to have made it this far in the competition?

I just feel mind-blown, to be honest, I think I've done everything I could right. I couldn't have done anything else to get here but also it has been a bit of luck as well. I couldn't be more thankful to the other players around me but especially the Traitors, just because the way they've played the game has allowed me to get to where I am. For example, Ash, Miles, and Paul, all of them could have tried bringing me down with them and the ship. I can't say I would have been too happy if someone was coming at me who I knew was supposed to be on my team. So I'm just lost for words, really. I just can't believe it.

What has been the best moment of the experience so far and was it as you’d imagined?

I can't even pick one single moment! From the start of going into the Traitors conclave and seeing Paul's face. I mean, the excitement and the happiness we sort of shared, I just knew we were going to have a blast in there doing it together. You always have that one naughty friend in school, you're never in trouble by yourself, there's always one and normally it's me and my best mate. In The Traitors’ castle, it was as if it was me and Paul, we were always in trouble together, just never getting caught for it, luckily. But if I had to choose one single moment, it's got to be that shield play in a previous mission, when I won the shield in the tunnel. It was because I had the plan of winning the shield, but I was so far behind in a tunnel that I thought that shield was definitely gone. And then when I looked to my left, and it was just there shining, it obviously brought the plan back to life. So that had to be the best feeling when I saw that shield.

What were your expectations coming into the show?

My expectations? Oh my gosh, when I first came into the show, the first day I thought I was a goner. I had no expectations. Obviously, I went there to win it and I thought I could but like I said, I just had that face where I thought everyone would look at me and think let's just get this guy gone. Whether or not just because they think I am a Traitor but maybe because they don’t like me. I think I'm approachable but people either love or hate me so I didn't expect anything. I thought I'd be there for a day or two, then I'd be a goner. So, it's exceeded my expectations and more.

Did you think you would make it to the final five in the competition?

No way. I thought, obviously I was going there to win it and if I was a Traitor, I was going all the way. But also, like I've said I've got lucky with my fellow players, the Faithfuls and Traitors around me, because it all depends on them, the game can change at any minute. So not only is it all down to your gameplay, but there’s a lot of luck involved as well and a lot of how people handle conversations and how they hold themselves. Obviously, I've been super lucky with everyone playing around me as their games intertwined with mine, and I’ve come this far.

What would winning the show mean to you?

I couldn't even imagine winning the show. A 22-year-old with 100 grand in his hands would be amazing. Like I said, the first thing I’d do is take my family out for dinner and just being sat there looking at everyone and being able to pay for it would just be the best feeling ever. So, I just can't even put into words what it would mean to win that amount of money at this young age.

What has been the funniest thing you’ve seen on social media about yourself?

I was looking through and I saw someone had photoshopped a snake with a gold cross earring and that has sort of become my feature I think. So now I'm going to have to keep this George Michael earring in forever!

What’s been your favourite mission?

I loved all the missions, to be fair. The one thing going in there was that I was so excited about the missions and obviously winning the money and building the prize pot. There were so many missions, the first one was amazing with the swimming, and it was so tiring. That crossbow one made me laugh, Zack was thinking he was the best at the crossbow and somehow, I didn't even manage to miss one! So that was a fun mission. But it depends, some days they're really challenging on the body and the physical side of things like that one building the catapult, that was a massive mission. I guess I just loved them all. But I also enjoyed the mental ones, all of them were just a blast.

Throughout this experience have you learnt anything about yourself?

Yeah, 100%. I've surprised myself by how mentally strong I actually am. When it comes to this environment where you're mentally challenged all day and you're up late, it's tiring and people are trying to figure it out and also you're lying on top of that. I’m proud I’ve been able to just stay myself, keep smiling and play the game. It's just been amazing. I didn't even know I had that capability, to be honest.


How do you feel to have made it this far in the competition?

I mean, I can’t believe I am in the final. To even get onto the show is a massive achievement and never in a million years did I think I was going to get to the final. I thought I was probably going to be one of the first to be murdered! But honestly, I couldn't be happier, this has been the best journey and I've made some friends for life. So, no matter what happens I’ll be happy.

What has been the best moment of the experience so far and was it as you’d imagined?

I have loved the whole experience; it has been amazing. Although sometimes it has been stressful, the missions were incredible, and we have been like a little family while we’ve been here. One of my favourite moments was definitely when Harry fell in the mud on the mission, honestly, I think I’ll laugh about that for the rest of my life. I think that's probably one of my favourites. Another one was when we got two Traitors in a row, we got Miles and Paul and I had a shield as well. So that was a very nice sleep that night!

What were your expectations coming into the show?

I think it's definitely beaten my expectations. I didn't think I was going to make as many friends as I did and I definitely thought I wouldn't have seen them as lifelong friends either. But I feel so close to them. I think as well, I kind of thought I'd get a lot more heat. I thought that I was going to have people argue with me and stuff and I felt like I got let off the hook pretty easy, which was nice. So yeah, that's definitely not what I expected. Overall, I think it’s been better than I could have ever imagined.

Did you think you would make it the final five in the competition?

I never in my life thought I’d make it to the final. I remember my parents before I left bigging me up, they were like, “Even if you're the first to go, you've done so well to be there.” So, it is definitely a shock to the system to be in the final. I feel like every day I have made it to breakfast, I just can’t believe I’m still here! It's like no other feeling I've ever felt.

What would winning the show mean to you?

Winning the show would just change my life. It would mean that I could have a safety net and I could go travelling and put a deposit down on a house. I think because I have spent a lot of time unwell, it would definitely mean I can make up for lost time and having the money gives you options to travel and see the world. Just catching up on lost time, really.

What has been the funniest thing you’ve seen on social media about yourself?

I think one of the funniest ones I've seen was putting out a missing person report for Mollie, who on earth is she? That was brilliant.

What’s been your favourite mission?

It's hard to say. Can I say two? I think the catapult mission was definitely one of my favourites. I think it was when we came together really well as a team, and everyone started to work together. We had friendships that had been built and you can really tell how much people cared about each other in that mission and how everyone really tried to pull everyone up and keep the spirits high. Then another one of my favourites was the cabin mission, I think it pushed my limits a little bit. I'm quite scared of the dark and being underground in a small space was quite scary with things falling on top of you and stuff. So, I think that tested me a little bit which was good because that's exactly what I wanted to do going in there.

Throughout this experience have you learnt anything about yourself?

I've learned so much about myself from this experience. I think it's made me stronger and more resilient and it has also made me more confident in my decisions. I think that as we approach the end of this, I'm a much stronger person than I was going into it, definitely. Also, getting to the final has just made me realise I need to give myself a little bit more credit.

The Traitors Final is on BBC One and iPlayer tonight at 9pm.