The Touring Toolshed: Jay Blades Interview

Sir David Jason and Jay Blades MBE are hitting the road in their Touring Toolshed to help members of the public, professional makers, and enthusiasts take their crafts to the next level in this new fifteen part series by Hungry Jay Media.

British people have always had an appetite for rolling up their sleeves and making, and this heart-warming new series will reveal a lesser-known side to one of TV’s best-loved faces, as Sir David Jason teams up with Jay Blades MBE to reveal his life-long passion for creating and fixing things.

In the programme, David and Jay park up their toolshed at the UK’s air shows, steam rallies, county fairs and vintage festivals, to meet some of the UK’s most talented crafters, makers and tinkerers – as well as people who could use a little help!

Each episode will see the duo attend a craft, hobby or engineering fair, meet enthusiasts, tinkerers and crafters and call in some talented experts to help fix their problem projects. They’ll also be heading out into the surrounding areas to meet the people whose incredible hobbies have taken over their whole life.

Jay Blades on BBC Two’s The Touring Toolshed

What can you tell us about David and Jay's Touring Toolshed?

David and Jay’s Touring Toolshed is probably one of the best shows never seen on TV yet. That's what it is. It's a show that upskills people. People come to us who have a particular problem or stumbling block within their craft, and then we team them up with an expert that allows them to go home with a skill that they can continue doing. 

Why did you want to make a show about tinkering and people's hobbies?

There are so many people across the land that tinker, and some of them go to expert levels, but everybody starts at the bottom and we just want to show them that you can learn from an expert that will be able to take you right up to where you need to go. That's why I wanted to do it -to get the nation making again!

What is it that you're most excited for viewers to see on the show?

I think everything is special. The relationship between me and Sir David, the relationship between the experts and the people that are tinkering and being shown how to upskill, and just the beautiful countryside and the places that we went to.

What is it that you think is so special about David and Jay's Touring Toolshed?

It’s David and Jay! That's what's so special. And we bring our little bit of magic to it all day, every day. It's a really special show. I would prefer people to tell me what's special about it because I can say it, but I'm biased. I would love for people to see it and say ‘this is exactly why it's special’ but I think it's really great. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for people to see it.

What was it that inspired you to team up with David for the show?

He's a comedy legend! He's a TV legend! Who would not want to work with Sir David Jason? That is a dream come true. Imagine watching him as you're growing up and then imagine you're able to work with him. Are you kidding me? That's a no brainer. Anybody would want to do that. And he doesn’t just work with anybody, he chooses his partners wisely.

Can you tell us about one particularly memorable ‘problem project’ in the show?

I think one of the ones was a lady that made these wooden puppets, or ‘automata’ as they’re known.  She wanted them to move but she didn't know how to build a motor. She didn't know how to attach the strings and get everything like the jaw and the head moving - that’s David’s passion, he makes them himself, and he was so interested in it. But there were loads across the series. Even meeting a lady that makes kilts - not only did we meet Tinkerers, we met people who were making everything and anything. All of them were special, but it’s amazing when people go away with a skill.

What would you say the most memorable part about filming was?

I would say sitting down with David and having an ice-cream together. That was a moment where you just look over your shoulder and you're like ‘oh, that is really Sir David Jason and I'm having an ice-cream with him. Wow!’ And him just coming up with ideas for comedy sketches is just a real joy to see someone who's at the top of their game and is still at the top of their game.

You and David do get on really well. Do you have any more fun anecdotes from filming?

We just laughed constantly. I think I’ve got a video of me and him having a little dance halfway between shooting. Every day was a joy. We had long days, but every day was absolutely beautiful - he just made you laugh. We both had little afternoon naps - that's quality. You can't beat that.

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