From Dad-bod to sculpted for Summer!

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Summer is so hard isn’t it, Dads?

There are so many temptations… BBQ’s, ice cream, beer… you name it!

As many of us know, life can get pretty hectic between work, family, and all the responsibilities that come with being a dad. But, with the kids off school for a while the gym felt like an obvious place to escape to for a little bit of mental wellbeing! And you know what? I'm actually starting to enjoy it!

Last week, with the rain lashing down and kids bored inside, I had a moment where I felt like a couch potato. As much as I enjoyed watching them have fun, I realised that I needed to become more active to keep up with them. I also knew that I didn’t want to spend July and August being lazy. After some gentle encouragement from my wife (bless her heart), I decided to ramp up the number of visits to my local Fusion Lifestyle gym.

I’ve been seeing the Leisure Centre as a bit of a place of relaxation to be honest! Using the amazing sauna and pool and taking quite leisurely strolls on the treadmill. And as a dad with a bit of a dad-bod, I was determined not to overdo things and end up injuring myself like I have in the past. It doesn’t take long for my knees to start aching!

I decided to focus on doing some more strenuous weightlifting and cardio exercises, and boy, was I feeling the burn! But you know what? It felt good, too! There's something oddly satisfying about pushing yourself physically and seeing progress over time.

One of the best things about Fusion Lifestyle is the sense of community. I've met so many wonderful people on this journey - from other dads like me to experienced fitness enthusiasts who never hesitate to share their tips and tricks. It's like having an extended fitness family that cheers you on every step of the way.

And, as a dad, I've learned that celebrating the small wins is essential. Every time I complete a challenging class or notice improvements in my strength and stamina, I give myself a little pat on the back. It's the small victories that keep me motivated and make me look forward to my next gym session.

I may not look like Vin Diesel yet, but ramping up the effort has felt really rewarding. Ending in a sweat actually feels good. It’s that sense of achievement and the adrenaline rush that comes with it.

Remember, it's not about being the fittest or most athletic person in the room; it's about enjoying the process, having fun, and being the best version of yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to dance my way through another class. Until next time, stay active and stay awesome, dads!

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This post is sponsored by Fusion Lifestyle.