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David Lloyd Diaries: First PT session in Ten Years couldn’t have been better

Ten years. That's how long it had been since I last stepped into a gym for a personal training session.

In that time, my life had changed dramatically. I became a dad, and my priorities shifted from lifting weights to lifting my child. While being a dad is incredibly rewarding, it often leaves little room for personal fitness. I had become the embodiment of the "unfit dad." But recently, I decided it was time for a change. I wanted to get back in shape and regain some of the energy and vitality I once had. So, I took the plunge and booked a personal training session at David Lloyd in Meridian Park, Leicester. Little did I know that this session would be both challenging and enjoyable, and would mark the beginning of a new fitness journey.

Meeting Kieran: My Personal Trainer and Motivator

Walking into the David Lloyd fitness centre, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. I was greeted by Kieran, my personal trainer for the day. He had an infectious enthusiasm and a friendly demeanor that immediately put me at ease. As we chatted, he learned about my fitness history, my goals, and the fact that I was a dad looking to regain my fitness after a decade-long hiatus. Kieran invited my to step on to a machine which would evaluate my fitness. I joked and closed my eyes but incredibly, it told me I have the body of a 28 year old, fantastic muscle mass and a low fat count. That’s certainly not how I perceive myself in the mirror, but I’ll take it. I am 43 afterall.

The Challenging Workout Ahead

Kieran wasted no time in getting our session started. We began with a warm-up that felt like a workout in itself, a stark reminder of just how out of shape I had become. Five minutes on the cross trainer and i was out of breath and had aching legs! Then came the real work, and it wasn't easy. We used various pieces of equipment, including a squatting machine and weights, to target different muscle groups. The squatting machine was particularly challenging, but Kieran's guidance and encouragement pushed me to give it my all. After about ten seconds I felt a real pull on the back of my thigh but continued, whilst pondering how different it was to do a PT session my forties to my early thirties!

Ten Years' Worth of Rust

As I worked through the exercises, I couldn't help but reflect on the past decade. It had been a whirlwind of parenting, work, and life's ups and downs. During that time, I had neglected my own physical well-being. My muscles protested each movement, and I could feel ten years' worth of rust breaking loose. But despite the discomfort, I felt alive, and I can honestly it was exhilarating.

The Aftershocks: Leg Day and Beyond

The day after my session with Kieran, I was reminded of the importance of the infamous "leg day." My legs ached with each step, serving as a constant reminder that I had pushed myself harder than I had in years. But it was a good kind of ache, one that told me I had challenged myself and taken the first step toward reclaiming my fitness. About four days later it finally eased! God I feel old.

Looking Forward to the Next Session

Despite the soreness, I found myself looking forward to the next session. Kieran had made the experience not only physically demanding but also enjoyable. His sense of humor and ability to make the workout fun were refreshing. It was clear that he was not just a personal trainer but also a motivator and a coach, helping me build confidence in my fitness journey.

It couldn’t have been better

My personal training session at David Lloyd in Meridian Park, Leicester, was a wake-up call and a revelation. It highlighted just how much I had neglected my physical well-being over the past ten years as a dad. But it also showed me that it's never too late to make a change, to prioritize fitness, and to enjoy the journey along the way. Kieran, with his friendly demeanor and expertise, played a pivotal role in making the session both challenging and enjoyable.

We all have this mental image of a Personal Trainer and Kieran couldn’t have been further away from it. It was just like having a mate or younger brother show you the ropes, and it dispelled any kind of self-consciousness I thought I was going to feel.

As I continue on my fitness journey, I know that I'll look back on this session as the moment I decided to be a fit dad, not just for myself, but for my family's future as well.

The David Lloyd difference lives and breathes in these PT sessions, which by the way, are so easy to book through the app it’s untrue.

Words: Simon Baines

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